Does Content Word Count Affect SEO? | Top 5 Elements to Consider

What is the best word count for an article in terms of SEO?

It has been a debating question for a long time!

Many people have attempted to explore and discover the solution. But it appears as though there is not yet a definite solution.

Many thoughtful responses to how many words are necessary for ranking high in search results have claimed that the number of words does not matter. Nonetheless, several correlation analyses show a strong connection between word count and ranking.

The copy’s objective, the level of information required, and the target audience are frequently secondary concerns.

When an SEO discusses copy, the next topic of conversation always seems to be word count.

The myth of word count

Isn’t it true that lengthier content ranks higher? Isn’t that what you are told all the time?

The more words on a page, the more “authoritative” your work is to search engines, and the higher you will rank.

This is a popular rumor circulating on Twitter and in online forums, but it has no basis in truth.

Misconceptions about studies

Several studies are frequently cited concerning word count.

According to Backlinko’s report released in April 2020, “typical Google first page result comprises 1,447 words,”

The study, on the other hand, does not support this conclusion. According to the research, top-ranking pages have a lot in common.

How long is a well-crafted SEO article?

Several elements should be considered when choosing how long a page’s content should be, and they cannot all be related to the page’s ranking.

Most importantly, it is crucial to remember that the content is designed to help people, not search bots.

The material on that page should be as long as is necessary to assist the user in fulfilling their purpose – whether that is immediately recognizing the answer to a query, offering an in-depth discussion of a subject, or just delivering product specifications.

The user’s needs should always come first.

Do you want to know how many words to write to have the highest chance of ranking on the first page?

The issue is that there is not a single factor to set the number of words.

Most notably, pages that best fit a searcher’s query will be ranked higher by search engines.

The number of words in a document is seldom the determining factor for consumers. And it is more important to focus on the copy’s quality and how well it answers their question.

A recommendation is to complete the content while maintaining average word count along with clearing intent of the topic. Most writers and SEO experts use word counter online  to know the exact amount of words of their piece.

1. Causation and correlation

Many individuals mistake mixing correlation and causation when it comes to word count.

It’s natural that if you look at the top 6 ranking sites for your selected search keyword and find that they all contain around 2,500 words; you would believe that all that is needed to rank highly for that term.

Unfortunately, this is not correct. The word count is not the only aspect to consider.

But longer pages may score high indirectly as a result of their length.

It is also possible that lengthier pages allow for more detailed responses, which are necessary to score highly for particular inquiries.

Also, it is crucial to remember that correlation does not imply causality. For example, lengthy content ranks higher than shorter content, although this does not mean that longer content is the reason for a page’s high rating.

2. The primary purpose of a page

When it comes to ranking highly in organic search results, determining the purpose of the writing page is really important.

  • Is this a transactional or informational page?
  • Was it intended to direct people to other areas of the website?
  • Is this a business-to-business page?

The page’s function determines the word count.

3. User intent

User intent is the most crucial factor to consider when determining how long information should be.

What would a user expect to see when he visits your page?

Understanding what a user expects from your website can assist you in ensuring that it is thorough enough to satisfy those expectations.

Crafting a page long only to make it long does not benefit the user.

This, in turn, is not beneficial to you. Rankings should not be the final aim of any SEO job, even if your page does well. It is more crucial to converting traffic.

If a person comes to your page looking for a solution to a question but cannot get the desired results, you have failed to meet their needs.

4. Conversion

Another essential factor to consider is how a copy length influences conversion.

SEO Word Count conversion

Some pages do not require a bulk of content to assist the visitor in completing a task. For example, too much text on a product category page can be distracting.

5. The optimal amount

So, how many words should you use for SEO?

There isn’t a single one.

A word count should never be used to determine the length of your copy.

It should be as long as necessary to deliver the page’s message and enable users to perform their desired tasks on that page.

Longer text may have an advantage in some SERPs, but copy length is not the only factor determining the rank.

Instead, the page’s text should cater to the user’s requirements and encourage conversion.

For it, there is no perfect word count.

What is the best way to write content that will rank?

You should write to respond to the user’s inquiry or search intent.

Suppose you’re looking for best practices in terms of a precise number. In that case, it is always recommended that at least 800 words for definition-based material are acceptable since it will give you enough room to answer questions adequately.

You can go even shorter when writing list articles, such as how-to pieces, or reports describing words or trends, because getting to the point and supplying the reader with the information they need is the most crucial thing you can do.

You should only give extra detail to a particular topic when required.

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